- A original notarized Power of Attorney from the trademark owner;
- The copy of the trademark registration(s).
According to the trademark regulation in Cambodia, prior to proceeding renewal of the registration certificate(s), after the 5th year or within the 6th year of the trademark registration, the trademark owner has to file an Affidavit of Use, endorsed if the registered trademark has been used or an Affidavit of Non-use, if the registered trademark has not been used in Cambodia. If this work was done, copies of the Trademark Certificate(s) and 15 specimens of the Trademark (if the trademark is in colour or a device);
In case the Affidavit of Use/Non-use has not been endorsed yet, the trademark owner is required to send the original Trademark Certificate(s) and the Affidavit for endorsement (with payment of fine for late submission of Affidavit) and after that the trademark owner is allowed to apply for the renewal;
If no Affidavit of Use/Non-use is lodged, the trademark registration will be vulnerable to cancellation at a third party’s request.