1. If the Owner of an Industrial Design complies with the provisions of Chapter (14), it shall be entitled to the rights of a registered Industrial Design provided in this Chapter during the term of registration.
2. Subject to the provisions of Section 49 and 50, the Owner of an Industrial Design
(a) as exclusive right,
i. shall have, under this Law, the right to prevent and protect from the manufacture, sale or import of Products featured with or depicted by the Industrial Design that duplicate the registered Industrial Design or the essential features of the registered Industrial Design by any other persons for commercial purpose without the consent of the Owner of the Industrial Design.
ii. shall have the right to file a civil suit against a person that infringes upon the registered Industrial Design rights.
(b) may transfer or license the rights of the Industrial Design registered under the provisions of Chapter (16) and (17) to any other person.
3. An Employer shall have right to a non-exclusive license for the Industrial Design of which
only the Employee has right to file the application for registration pursuant to Section 19 (d).
4. In the case of an Industrial Design owned by multiple Owners, unless otherwise agreed between them,
(a) each Owner of the Industrial Design shall be entitled to enjoy equal undivided rights in the registered Industrial Design;
(b) each Owner of the Industrial Design may transfer or issue a license to use his/her undivided rights in the registered Industrial Design to any other person;
(c) each Owner of the Industrial Design may, without obtaining the consent of other Co- owners of such Industrial Design, file a civil suit against a person who has infringed upon the registered Industrial Design Right; and
(d) an individual person or legally incorporated entity that is a successor in title to the rights of the Owner of an Industrial Design shall be entitled to the rights described in Subsections (a), (b) and (c).
5. The rights in an Industrial Design held by Owner of the Industrial Design shall not apply to
(a) Activities performed for private and non-commercial purposes;
(b) Activities performed for experimental or research purposes; and
(c) Reproduction for the purpose of making citations or teaching;
6. The rights in the registered Industrial Design shall not apply to Products embodying such Industrial Design that have been legally sold in or imported into the Union, by the Owner of the Industrial Design or a person who is authorized by the Owner of the Industrial Design.