1. The term of registration for a registered Industrial Design is five (5) years from the filing date of the application for registration of such Industrial Design. The registration may be renewed up to two terms and each term will last five (5) years.
2. If the Owner of an Industrial Design wishes to renew the term of registration,
(a) it shall apply for renewal of said registration within six (6) months before the expiration date of said registration upon the payment of the specified fee.
(b) it shall apply for renewal of said registration within the grace period of six (6) months after the expiration date of said registration upon the payment of the specified registration fee and late fees.
3. The Registrar shall
(a) approve an application for renewal of registration that meets the requirements. The renewal of registration certificate shall come into force upon the expiration date of the preceding term of registration.
(b) renew a registration for a five (5) year period and publish such renewal of registration in the prescribed manner, if an application for renewal of registration meets the requirements following review of such application.
(c) record a renewal of registration and payment of the prescribed fee in the Register.
(d) revoke the registration of a registered Industrial Design if the Owner of the Industrial Design fails to pay the prescribed fee for the renewal of registration within the grace period of six (6) months.
(e) record the revocation of a registered Industrial Design in the Register and publish such revocation in the prescribed manner.