Requisite Information
- Applicant: full name, address and nationality;
- Inventor: full name, address and nationality;
- Title of the claimed design;
- Class of the claimed design (if available);
- Priority data: filing number, date and country (if priority is claimed).
Requisite Document
Photos/drawings illustrating the design in different views (front, rear, left, right, top, bottom and perspective) and other supporting views such as cross-sectional or partly enlarged views (if available);
- English description of the claimed design;
- Power of Attorney (notarization is required);
- Certified copy of priority documents (in case of claiming priority under the Paris Convention);
- Notarized Deed of Assignment (if the applicant is not concurrently the designer).
Important Notes
In accordance with the legal regulations on industrial design in Laos, the following advice for possible reference:
- Time from the filing to granting date is around 6 – 12 months;
- The validity term of a Design Patent is around 5 years and renewable for two consecutive periods.